- High-fidelity phase and amplitude control of phase-only computer generated holograms using conjugate gradient minimisation,
D. Bowman, T. L. Harte, V. Chardonnet, C. De Groot, S. J. Denny, G. Le Goc, M. Anderson, P. Ireland, D. Cassettari, & G. D. Bruce
Opt. Express 25 11692-11700 (2017)
- Holographic optical traps for atom-based topological Kondo devices,
F Buccheri, G D Bruce, A Trombettoni, D Cassettari, H Babujian, V E Korepin & P Sodano
New J. Phys. 18 075012 (2016)
- Light-induced atomic desorption in a compact system for ultracold atoms,
L Torralbo-Campo, G D Bruce, G Smirne & D Cassettari
Sci. Rep. 5 14729 (2015)
- Measurement of Vacuum Pressure with a Magneto-Optical Trap: a Pressure-Rise Method,
R W G Moore, L A Lee, E A Findlay, L Torralbo-Campo, G D Bruce & D Cassettari
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86 093108 (2015)
- Phase-engineered Light Patterns for Ultracold Atom Experiments,
G D Bruce, T Harte, D Bowman, P Ireland, J Keeling & D Cassettari
in Proceedings of 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference, paper EC_P_1 (2015)
- Feedback-enhanced algorithm for aberration correction of holographic atom traps,
G D Bruce, M Y H Johnson, E Cormack, D A W Richards, J Mayoh & D Cassettari
J. Phys. B 48 115303 (2015)
- Multi-wavelength holography with a single spatial light modulator for ultracold atom experiments,
D Bowman, P Ireland, G D Bruce & D Cassettari
Opt. Express 23 8365-8372 (2015)
- A conjugate gradient minimisation approach to generating holographic traps for ultracold atoms,
T Harte, G D Bruce, J Keeling & D Cassettari
Opt. Express 22 26548-26558 (2014)
- A new multimedia resource for teaching quantum mechanics concepts,
A Kohnle, D Cassettari, T J Edwards, C Ferguson, A D Gillies, C Hooley, N Korolkova, J Llama & B D Sinclair
American Journal of Physics 80 148-153 (2012)
- A conjugate gradient minimisation approach to calculating holographic traps for ultracold atoms,
T L Harte
Undergraduate Awards 2012
- Holographic power-law traps for the efficient production of Bose-Einstein condensates,
G D Bruce, S L Bromley, G Smirne, L Torralbo-Campo & D Cassettari
Phys. Rev. A 84 053410 (2011)
- Smooth, holographically generated ring trap for the investigation of superfluidity in ultracold atoms,
G D Bruce, J Mayoh, G Smirne, L Torralbo-Campo & D Cassettari
Phys. Scr. T143 014008 (2011)
- Generating light patterns for dynamic manipulation of ultracold atoms,
G Smirne, G D Bruce, L Torralbo-Campo & D Cassettari
Application Note for Boulder Nonlinear Systems
- Collisional relaxation of Feshbach molecules and three-body recombination in 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates,
G Smirne, R M Godun, D Cassettari, V Boyer, C J Foot, T Volz, N Syassen, S Duerr, G Rempe, M D Lee, K Goral & T Koehler
Phys. Rev. A 75, 020702(R) (2007)
- Dynamic Manipulation of Bose-Einstein Condensates with a Spatial Light Modulator,
V Boyer, R M Godun, G Smirne, D Cassettari, C M Chandrashekar, A B Deb, Z J Laczik & C J Foot
Phys. Rev. A 73, 031402 (2006)
- Recent Progress in Bose-Einstein Condensation Experiments,
S L Cornish & D Cassettari
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 361, 2699 (2003)
- Signatures of Quantum Stability in a Classically Chaotic System,
S Schlunk, M B d’Arcy, S A Gardiner, D Cassettari, R M Godun & G.S. Summy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 054101 (2003)
- Accelerator-mode based technique for studying quantum chaos,
M B d’Arcy, R M Godun, D Cassettari & G S Summy
Phys. Rev. A 67, 023605 (2003)
- Quantum Enhancement of Momentum Diffusion in the Delta-Kicked Rotor,
M B d’Arcy, R M Godun, M K Oberthaler, D Cassettari & G S Summy,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 074102 (2001)
- Trapping atoms with a wire,
A Haase, D Cassettari, B Hessmo & J Schmiedmayer
Phys. Rev. A 64, 043405 (2001)
- Beam Splitter for Guided Atoms,
D Cassettari, B Hessmo, R Folman, T Maier & J Schmiedmayer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5483 (2000)
- Atoms and Wires: Towards Atom Chips,
M Bartenstein, D Cassettari, T Calarco, A Chenet, R Folman, K Brugger, A Haase, E Hartungen, B Hessmo, A Kasper, P Kruger, T Maier, F Payr, S Schneider & J Schmiedmayer,
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 36, 1364 (2000)
- Nanofabricated atom optics: atom chips,
K Brugger, T Calarco, D Cassettari, R Folman, A Haase, B Hessmo, P Kruger, T Maier & J Schmiedmayer,
Journal of Modern Optics 47, 2789 (2000)
- Micromanipulation of Neutral Atoms with Nanofabricated Structures,
D Cassettari, A Chenet, R Folman, A Haase, B Hessmo, P Krueger, T Maier, S Schneider, T Calarco & J Schmiedmayer,
Appl. Phys. B 70, 721 (2000)
- Controlling Cold Atoms using Nanofabricated Surfaces: Atom Chips,
R Folman, P Krueger, D Cassettari, B Hessmo, T Maier & J Schmiedmayer,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4749 (2000)
- Towards Mesoscopic Physics with Cold Atoms,
D Cassettari, A Chenet, J Denschlag, R Folman, B Hessmo, S Schneider & J Schmiedmayer,
Laser Spectroscopy – XIV International Conference, edited by R Blatt, J Eschner, D Leibfried and F Schmidt-Kaler (World Scientific, 1999)
- Guiding a neutral atom with a wire,
J Denschlag, D Cassettari & J Schmiedmayer,
APS centennial meeting, Atlanta March 1999; Bul. Am. Soc. 44, 1644 (1999)
- A neutral atom and a wire: towards mesoscopic atom optics,
J Denschlag, D Cassettari, A Chenet, S Schneider & J Schmiedmayer,
Appl. Phys. B 69, 291 (1999)
- Guiding Neutral Atoms with a Wire,
J Denschlag, D Cassettari & J Schmiedmayer,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2014 (1999)
- External cavity broad-area laser diode operating on the D1 line of Cesium,
D Cassettari, P Verkerk & E Arimondo,
Optics Letters 23, 1135 (1998)
- Measurements of Attenuation Length of Scintillating and Clear Fibers,
M Atac, R Brunetti, D Cassettari, O Marago, M Mishina, J A Valls,
Internal Note CDF/ANAL/TRACKING/ PUBLIC/3560 (1995)
PhD theses
Undergraduate theses
- Available on request